Botrić, V., Radas, S. i Škrinjarić, B. (2023). Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performance. Radni materijali EIZ-a, (1), 3-37. Preuzeto s
Botrić, Valerija, et al. "Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performance." Radni materijali EIZ-a, br. 1, 2023, str. 3-37.
Botrić, Valerija, Sonja Radas i Bruno Škrinjarić. "Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performance." Radni materijali EIZ-a br. 1 (2023): 3-37.
Botrić, V., Radas, S. i Škrinjarić, B. (2023) 'Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performance', Radni materijali EIZ-a, (1), str. 3-37. Preuzeto s: (Datum pristupa: 22.01.2025.)
Botrić V, Radas S, Škrinjarić B. Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performance. Radni materijali EIZ-a [Internet]. 2023. [pristupljeno 22.01.2025.];(1):3-37. Dostupno na:
V. Botrić, S. Radas i B. Škrinjarić, "Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performance", Radni materijali EIZ-a, br. 1, str. 3-37, 2023. [Online]. Dostupno na: [Citirano: 22.01.2025.]