Ekonomski institut, Zagreb (Odjel za tržište rada i socijalnu politiku)
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana
Opis (engleski)
This study provides an overview of the main developments in the
area of employment and social affairs in Croatia, including
relevant legislative and policy measures as well as the role of
social partners and social dialogue. It also addresses the use of EU
funds in combating unemployment in Croatia and the priorities
of Croatia’s upcoming Presidency of the EU. This document was
provided by Policy Department A at the request of the European
Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.
Naziv: Analiza zaposlenosti i socijalnog stanja u Hrvatskoj za Europski parlament Voditelj: Iva Tomić Pravna nadležnost: eu Financijer: Europska parlament, odbor za zapošljavanje i socijalna pitanja Europskog parlamenta