pid,type,title,authors,mentors,source_title,published_date,url,doi,isbn,issn,eissn eizg:396,"journal article","Gender differences in management styles during crisis and the effect on firm performance","Botrić, Valerija; Radas, Sonja; Škrinjarić, Bruno",,,,,,,, eizg:393,"journal article","Change of consumers’ attitudes in response to an online privacy violation incident","Škrinjarić, Bruno; Budak, Jelena; Rajh, Edo",,,,,,,, eizg:392,"journal article","Girl Power: Creating More with Less","Radas, Sonja; Škrinjarić, Bruno",,,,,,,, eizg:356,"journal article","Adoption of digital and ICT technologies and firms’ productivity","Aralica, Zoran; Škrinjarić, Bruno",,,,,,,, eizg:342,"journal article","The Impact Assessment of the EU Pre-Accession Funds on Agriculture and Food Companies: The Croatian Case","Kukoč, Marin; Škrinjarić, Bruno; Juračak, Josip",,,,,,,,