The Institute of Economics, Zagreb (The Department for Innovation, Business Economics and Business Sectors)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Description (english)
Survey on business executives'/owners' experience of corruption and assessing corruption patterns by sector and business size would be a valuable source of data on corruption as an obstacle for doing business in our country. The results should serve to improve anti-corruption policy measures and incentive business climate in Croatia. Further use of data for advanced analysis and their international comparability would ensure the solid corruption statistics database and benchmarking indicators for the future. The target population surveyed in Croatia will be businesses from 4-6 main economic sectors and in three different business sizes, in terms of the number of employees. The net survey sample is 1500 repondents. Data will be collected by CATI or face-to-face CAPI assisted methods, depending on the results of the pilot survey. The fieldwork will be conducted by subcontracting market research agency. The main outputs of the project are: a database in the SPSS system, statistical tables per tabulation plan and survey report in English and Croatian. The report will be presented to the public and national stakeholders at the public launch event.
Title: Anketno ispitivanje kućanstava o korupciji i drugim oblicima kriminala u Hrvatskoj Leader: Jelena Budak Jurisdiction: eu Funder: UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime